For anyone who was naïvely under the impression that Trump’s GOP had already hit rock bottom, I regret to inform you that they found a subterranean elevator that swiftly delivered them to never before reached depths within the Earth’s core on Wednesday night when influential GOP operatives and talking heads turned what was, in my view, one of the most heartfelt, beautiful moments in recent American politics into a disgusting attack on the neurodivergent son of VP nominee Tim Walz.
During Governor Walz’s convention speech, the camera panned to an emotional Walz family, most notably, a tearful 17 year-old Gus Walz standing, pointing, and saying “that’s my dad” followed by “I love you.” He appeared to be overcome with emotion. And to be clear, so was I. I have watched the clip many, many times. I can’t watch it without getting a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. It was a simple, profound display of a son’s love for and pride in his father. What made this moment even more striking is the fact that Gus Walz is neurodivergent. He has a non-verbal learning disorder. He has anxiety and ADHD.
After watching (and re-watching) this clip on Wednesday night, I went to bed, like I did every night this week, filled with a sense of overwhelming optimism and joy. Feeling proud to be a Democrat, and proud to be an American.
Then I woke up and opened Twitter. I saw shocking and despicable direct attacks on Gus from Ann Coulter (2.1M followers), Mike Crispi (31k followers), Jay Weber (18.2k followers), and Dinesh D’Souza (4.2M followers). I won’t dignify their comments by repeating them here, but you can see for yourself. These are not fringe voices in today’s GOP. These are people with platforms (almost 7M followers between them).
As soon as I read these posts (right after I picked my jaw off up the floor), my pediatrician/mama bear protective instincts flipped on, and my heart and brain filled with rage and the fire of a thousand suns. You are going to come for a special needs minor? Really? Your souls are that devoid of anything resembling human decency?
Fuck that. The gloves are off. If I am being honest, my gloves have been off for a while, but now they are off and aren’t going back on until the GOP disavows this rhetoric and de-platforms these despicable excuses for human beings.
I have worked as a pediatrician for almost 20 years now. I take care of kids from birth all the way through adolescence. I take care of previously healthy children who are sick or injured. I take care of children with complex medical needs, children with a wide range of developmental delays and special needs. I fight for all these kids.
And I will fight anyone who comes for Gus or any kid like him (or any kid, for that matter). And I am not alone. I believe this moment resonated deeply with so many Americans. Parents like me, grandparents, aunts, uncles, pediatricians, teachers, and non-assholes of all kinds. And make no mistake, we will all fight for Gus, and fight against anyone who comes for him.
Later on Thursday, I had the opportunity to attend a Women for Harris/Walz brunch in Chicago. The room was filled with brilliant, activated, compassionate women. When Gwen Walz took the microphone to address the crowd, she made a comment about her beautiful children. The crowd erupted in a “WE LOVE GUS” chant. It was deafening. I ugly cried. It was a beautiful response to a disgusting situation. These women were standing shoulder to shoulder with Gwen Walz, defending her son against the scum of the Earth that is Trump’s MAGA GOP.
And the silver lining in this scenario is these activated and pissed off women are organized. They see who Trump’s GOP has become and they are done. They are volunteering, they are donating, they are talking to their friends and family about the stakes of this election. They aren’t just going to take a chance with just a chant. They are going to do THE WORK to put an end to this MAGA nightmare. To fight for women. To fight for kids like Gus. To fight for human decency. They are going to do the work that will ensure that subterranean elevator ride was a one-way trip.
Goodbye vile humans, your moment is over.
Because if patriotic, decent, democracy-loving Americans do our job over the next 2.5 months, it WILL be a one-way elevator ride, a plunge so deep there can be no return. The Trump GOP will be gone, and if they have any sense, a new GOP can be built, and we can get back to a healthy two-party system. This embarrassing and dangerous chapter in American politics will be over.
And then people like Ann Coulter can do something that I won’t say here because I am still a practicing pediatrician but hopefully you know what I mean.
Gus, we’ve got you.
My newest motto- “You come for Gus, you come for us”. Would make a good bumper sticker
I am a retired developmental pediatrician and followed many many kids and young adults like Gus for nearly 30 years. My heart just burst with joy when I saw Gus laughing, crying and pointing to his dad. As a fellow pediatrician, Annie, you you expressed perfectly GOP’s disgusting behavior.